What is NIDO and the Annual AGM?

NIDO is the umbrella body of all Nigerians living outside the shores of Nigeria – “Nigerians in Diaspora”.
The name NIDO means; Nigerians In Diaspora Organization and there are over 17 Million Nigerians spread across 6 continents world-wide.

6 Continents of NIDO World-wide – 22 Countries/Chapters accredited in Europe

The NIDO-Europe AGM is an annual event which attracts the largest gathering of Nigerian professionals in Europe. It is the convergence ground for all Nigerians, investors, friends of Nigeria and the various host communities from 22 countries in Europe.
We wish to invite the YOU and your COMPANY to sponsor and participate in the above event, scheduled from Thursday, 9th November to Monday, 13th November 2023 in Zurich, Switzerland.

November 9, 2023

Day 1

Arrival of delegates, Leadership Orientation Workshop

November 9, 2023
November 10, 2023

Day 2

– Business Forum & Ambassador Dinner Night.

November 10, 2023
November 11, 2023

Day 3

Statutory AGM and GALA Night; for all NIDO Members

November 11, 2023
November 12, 2023

Day 4

Tour of Zurich and/or The Rhine Falls (Europe’s largest waterfalls) organized by NIDO Swiss

November 12, 2023
November 13, 2023

Day 5

Departure of delegates

November 13, 2023

Location/Venue of the AGM:
Hotel Kronenhof, Wehntalerstrasse 551, 8046 Zürich, Switzerland, Website: https://hotel-kronenhof.ch

Theme of this year’s summit:

“Diaspora Direct Investment and Engagement for Homeland Development”,
will focus specifically on; #Diaspora synergy for economic actualization, #Youth development, #Humanitarian intervention, #Diversification of Diaspora engagement and #Diaspora political inclusion/Integration & participation

Why YOU & What is IN for YOU

Your Organization is one of the household brands to Africans and Nigerians especially. Switzerland as a Market place, represents Stability, Longevity, Precision and Perfection; with a touch of Inclusiveness for all gender.

What is “IN” for YOU and Your Organization

This event will provide YOU, a unique opportunity to directly engage Nigerians and Investors, do a direct marketing, introduce your products and services; and leave Participants with a take-home to remember about You and your Organization

What you also get as a Sponsor:

Direct Access to grass-root Marketing via delegates from 22 Chapter-countries in Europe
Speaking Opportunity for a few minutes
Full page advert in Conference program and brochure
Logo on Conference materials
Opportunity to host NIDO Continental Executive members
Brand display on event Location
Exhibition stand

Kindly confirm your participation on or before 31st October 2023.

Also, please send us:
 Your company LOGO and Advert for publication in the Program Booklet
 Send to the email address: pro.nido-swiss@nigeriadiaspora.ch

We highly appreciate your Financial Support/Donation to the NIDO Swiss Account below:

© NIDO Swiss & Liechtenstein 2023

Account Name: NIDO Swiss

Address: Badstrasse 12, Grafstal, Switzerland

Bank Name: Post Finance, Bern

Account/IBAN: CH7509000000153423405


*Please indicate your Name/Name of Organization in your “Reason for Payment”

Nigerians in Diaspora Organization (NIDO) Switzerland
& Liechtenstein
Email: info@nigeriadiaspora.ch
Web: www.nigeriadiaspora.ch
Phone: +41786911476